Wednesday 10 October 2012

Ready for the off?

"I'm sitting in the airport feeling sick with held back tears.  Very hard to say goodbye. Can't write about it yet." I don't think I'll ever forget the feelings coursing through me as I wrote those lines in my trusty pink travel journal.  Once I got on the plane, I spent TWELVE AND A HALF hours desperately trying to sleep, but unfortunately I ended up spending all that time squished between a 6' 5'' man who snored and a girl who had the audacity to look perfectly comfortable and slept like a baby. After about three hours in the air, there was a medical emergency on board and the poor attendants were rushing about with oxygen, looking for a doctor, defibrillators and the whole shebang.  By the time I got to Singapore, I was very happy to get to my hostel and dump my bag! 

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