Wednesday 22 August 2012

Free accomodation and food?! I'll take it!
I've just discovered a great website that offers hosts for voluntary work.  Each host asks that you work for 4 - 6 hours a day for either a 5 or 6 day week in exchange for accomodation and 3 meals a day.  Sounds good to me! What a great way to see places in Australia that I may not otherwise get to see.  You can organise to stay with a host for a period of a couple of weeks, or a month, or as long as they need you.  Once you've made contact and agreed all the terms by email, all that's left is to get to your hosts. 
Now I realise that not all work is for me - I don't think putting up electric fences or splitting logs is really what I'm into.  But working in B&B's and backpacker hostels or even on animal sanctuaries helping look after orphaned joeys could most certainly be an attractive prospect.
Watch this space, eh?

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